Press Releases
5/25/2021 - Theft of utilities arrest5/24/2021 - Burglary suspect apprehended5/20/2021 - Sex Offender arrest5/19/2021 - Domestic disturbance leads to arrests5/17/2021 - Fugitive arrest5/17/2021 - Theft arrest5/17/2021 - Violation of protective order arrest5/17/2021 - Road hazards and Storm damages5/14/2021 - 2020 Delinquent property taxes5/12/2021 - Auto theft recovery and arrest5/4/2021 - Traffic stop results in drug arrest5/3/2021 - Auto Theft5/3/2021 - Assault arrest5/3/2021 - Drug arrest4/27/2021 - Traffic stop results in drug arrest4/22/2021 - Pet found on I-104/20/2021 - Domestic abuse battery arrest4/20/2021 - Tier 1 Sex offender arrest4/17/2021 - Search warrant nets two arrests4/16/2021 - JDSO needs help identifying burglary subjects