Press Releases
2/9/2021 - Burglary & Theft arrest2/4/2021 - Burglary suspect apprehended2/1/2021 - Fugitive arrest1/25/2021 - Aggravated assault with a firearm1/20/2021 - Auto Theft1/19/2021 - Domestic abuse battery arrest1/11/2021 - Offroad traffic stop leads to warrant arrest1/7/2021 - Drowning victim found in private pond1/4/2021 - Child Abandonment arrests1/4/2021 - Domestic abuse battery arrest12/30/2020 - Violation of Restraining order arrest12/22/2020 - Disturbance arrest12/16/2020 - Fugitive arrest leads to counterfeit arrest12/14/2020 - Jennings man arrested on rape charge12/14/2020 - Burglary arrest12/9/2020 - Car Burglaries are increasing11/25/2020 - Domestic abuse battery arrest11/16/2020 - Theft arrest 11/16/2020 - Suspicious person arrested after foot pursuit11/13/2020 - Escapee returned to jail