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Drug arrest

Date Posted: 12/15/2022

Jeff Davis Sheriff's investigators served a search warrant early this morning, Thursday, December 15, 2022, in Welsh, LA.

The investigation identified illegal narcotics being distributed from a residence on Martin Luther King Street, Welsh. 

Investigators assigned to narcotics enforcement and criminal investigators made entry into the residence this morning at 5:00 am. 

The search netted, 29 ounces of cocaine, 1 pound of marijuana, 2 ounces of methamphetamine, 1,918 CDS pills and over $5,000 cash. 

Bobby Dale Prudhomme, 53, of 707 Martin Luther King Street was arrested and booked for 4 counts possession of CDS II, possession of CDS I, possession of drug paraphernalia, 2 counts distribution of CDS, Illegal use of CDS in presence of minor, Transactions involving proceeds from drug offenses.

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