Information presented on this website is collected from public sources, maintained, and provided for the convenience of the site visitor/reader. While every effort is made to keep such information accurate and up-to-date, the Jefferson Davis Parish Detention Center cannot certify the accuracy and/or authenticity of any information. The reader should not rely on this information in any manner. Under no circumstance shall Jefferson Davis Parish, the Sheriff of Jefferson Davis Parish, their elected officials, officers, employees, agents, Brooks Jeffrey Marketing, Inc., nor the agents or employees of Jefferson Davis Parish or Jefferson Davis Parish Detention Center be liable for any decisions, actions taken or omissions made from reliance on any information contained herein from whatever source, or any other consequences or damages of any kind as a result of any such reliance.
The information provided is intended to be used responsibly. This roster should not be used for purposes of harassment, discrimination, or any other unlawful activities. Unauthorized use or misuse of this information may result in civil or criminal penalties.
The inclusion of an individual on this roster does not imply guilt, a criminal conviction or any other legal status. Individuals are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.